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We make up an efficient technical and business organization specialized in the development of activities related to all aspects of construction, architectural and engineering works and technical consulting.


In 1983 we founded Obras & Sistemas. From our beginnings we have managed to grow and consolidate ourselves through the numerous works for important companies, firms, studios and consultants, who back up the professional suitability and corporate responsibility that distinguishes us. Obras y Sistemas relies on the experience and trajectory of its partners, highlighting an unwavering vocation for service.
We carry out numerous works of great magnitude. We seek to consolidate our presence by complying with the commitments assumed, with the highest quality standards. For that purpose we strictly abide the extant laws and regulations regarding the areas of  labor, health and safety at work environment. 
In order to achieve maximum efficiency, our policy relies on constant innovation and modernization of the company equipment.
Our commitment remains the same from our beginnings: combining the best human and technical resources to offer our clients the maximum added value. With a highly trained team of professionals who have managed to optimize our resources, demonstrating the ability to overcome, adapt and permanence.
We prioritize maintaining an excellent relationship with our suppliers and subcontractors, who collaborate with us to provide a service capable of fully satisfying customer needs.

In Obras y Sistemas we consolidate the culture of our organization based on certain common objectives that are defined in the mission, vision and values of the company.


To establish comprehensive enterprise, focused on providing services to the construction industry with a high degree of professionalism, personalized attention and compliance with deadlines, respecting safety and hygiene standards and caring for the environment.


To consolidate an efficient construction company, in constant development, that is distinguished by providing a high quality services, plus an optimal standard of quality and commitment with our clients, generating various opportunities for professional and personal development for its employees, as well as making a positive contribution to the society.


At Obras & Sistemas we comply with our commitments and value human and professional quality as a priority. Permanently, we build working as a team, providing opportunities to a new generation of professionals who are trained and accompany our mission and vision. In this regard, we stimulate belonging and personal responsibility. We believe in constant improvement and seek to maintain long-term relationships. We guarantee strict respect for health and safety at work, together with a complete study of the sustainability of our works.

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